Humus Compost (This is What You Need to Know)

  • By: Sam Richards
  • Date: August 21, 2023
  • Time to read: 10 min.

The green gardening revolution is here, and at its heart lies the practice of composting. Over the past decade, this age-old method of recycling organic matter back into the soil has become increasingly popular, offering a sustainable solution for waste management and improved soil health. Among the various forms of composting, one particular method stands out due to its exceptional benefits for soil fertility and structure: humus composting.

In a nutshell, humus composting is a natural process that transforms organic waste material into a nutrient-rich soil conditioner, known as humus. Far more than just decomposed organic matter, humus is a complex substance that nurtures plant life and improves soil health in ways that synthetic fertilizers cannot replicate. It enriches the soil with vital nutrients, enhances moisture retention, and facilitates soil aeration. Furthermore, it helps establish a thriving ecosystem of beneficial soil microorganisms.

This comprehensive guide aims to delve deep into the fascinating world of humus composting. Whether you are a seasoned gardener seeking to enrich your green spaces or a novice looking for sustainable gardening practices, this guide provides an in-depth understanding of humus compost. From its formation and benefits to its applications and environmental impacts, the guide will explore every aspect of humus compost. By the end, you will not only understand the incredible power of this organic material but also how you can harness it to transform your garden and contribute to a healthier planet.

What is Humus Compost?

At its core, humus compost is a type of compost that is characterized by its nutrient-rich composition and its transformative effect on soil health and plant growth. But to understand what makes humus compost so unique, we first need to delve into what humus actually is.

Humus is the final, stable product of the decomposition process of organic material. It is a dark, spongy, and fertile substance that forms as a result of the complex breakdown of organic matter over an extended period. During this process, the organic matter transforms from identifiable scraps of waste into a homogeneous material that can no longer be associated with its original form.

What sets humus apart from other types of compost is its exceptionally rich nutrient content and its structural properties. Humus is teeming with beneficial microorganisms that help deliver nutrients to plants, and it possesses a unique molecular structure that allows it to retain moisture and bind to soil particles. This results in improved soil structure and fertility, making humus compost a potent and organic solution to enhance plant growth and productivity.

Humus compost, therefore, is the practice of creating humus through the decomposition of organic matter in a compost pile or bin. This method involves a delicate balance of ‘green’ and ‘brown’ materials — or nitrogen-rich and carbon-rich materials — and requires careful maintenance to ensure the proper conditions for the thriving microorganisms that drive the decomposition process. Over time, these microorganisms break down the organic materials, turning them into humus compost.

Overall, humus compost represents the pinnacle of the composting process. It’s where the natural cycle of life, decay, and regrowth come full circle, resulting in a substance that is not only beneficial to plants but essential to the overall health and sustainability of our gardens.

How to Make Humus Compost at Home

Creating your own humus compost at home can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Not only does it contribute to the health and vitality of your garden, but it also plays a role in reducing your household waste. The process requires patience, but the end result—a nutrient-rich, soil-enhancing humus compost—is worth the wait.

  1. Choosing the right compost location: The first step in creating humus compost at home is finding a suitable location for your compost pile or bin. This spot should ideally be in a shaded area of your garden to prevent the compost from drying out. It should also have good drainage to prevent the compost pile from becoming waterlogged.
  2. Collecting compostable materials: Once your compost site is set, begin collecting compostable materials. These are typically divided into ‘greens’ and ‘browns’. Greens are nitrogen-rich materials such as fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, grass clippings, and fresh plant trimmings. Browns are carbon-rich materials, including dried leaves, straws, shredded paper, cardboard, and small branches. These elements provide essential nutrients for the microorganisms that break down the materials into humus.
  3. Creating your compost pile: Start your compost pile by laying a layer of brown at the base for good aeration and drainage. Follow this with a layer of greens, and continue this alternation until your pile is about three feet high. Try to maintain a ratio of about 3:1 of browns to greens, as this balance helps optimize the decomposition process.
  4. Maintaining the compost pile: To ensure a healthy compost pile, regular maintenance is crucial. This mainly involves turning the compost pile with a pitchfork or shovel every two to three weeks. Turning the compost pile helps distribute air throughout the pile, which aids the decomposition process. It also helps to keep the compost pile moist (but not soggy) by watering it occasionally or letting rain do the job for you.
  5. Maturing the compost: Over time, anywhere from a few months to a year, depending on your climate and the size of your compost materials, the compost pile will decompose into a rich, dark, crumbly material with a pleasant earthy smell. This is your humus compost.

It’s important to note that the timeline for creating humus compost can vary. Factors such as climate, the materials you’re composting, and how often you turn the pile can all affect how quickly your compost turns into humus. But with patience and routine maintenance, you’ll end up with a supply of nutrient-rich humus compost to enrich your garden.

Maintaining Your Humus Compost

Proper maintenance of your humus compost is crucial to ensure the optimal decomposition of organic material into humus. This maintenance doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll be spending hours tending to your compost pile. Instead, it requires a bit of attention now and then to make sure everything is progressing as it should. Here’s how to keep your humus compost in the best shape:

  1. Monitor Moisture Levels: Humus compost requires a certain level of moisture to facilitate the decomposition process. The compost pile should ideally be as damp as a wrung-out sponge. If it’s too dry, decomposition will slow down; if it’s too wet, it may become anaerobic (lacking oxygen), leading to foul odors. To maintain the right level of moisture, you may need to water your compost pile during dry spells or cover it during heavy rains.
  2. Ensure Adequate Aeration: The microorganisms that break down organic matter into humus need oxygen to thrive. Turning your compost pile regularly (about every two weeks) with a pitchfork or a compost aerator ensures that oxygen reaches all parts of the pile. This not only speeds up the decomposition process but also prevents the buildup of bad odors.
  3. Balance Green and Brown Materials: Maintaining a good balance of green (nitrogen-rich) and brown (carbon-rich) materials is vital to the health of your compost pile. The ideal ratio is about 3 parts brown to 1 part green. If the pile becomes too nitrogen-heavy (too many greens), it can become smelly and slow to decompose. Conversely, if it’s too high in carbon (too many browns), the decomposition process can stall.
  4. Watch Out for Troublesome Materials: Be mindful of what goes into your compost pile. Certain materials, such as diseased plant matter, perennial weeds, or pet waste, can introduce harmful pathogens or weeds to your compost. Similarly, avoid composting meat, dairy, and oily products as they can attract pests.
  5. Check for Finished Compost: Over time, the bottom of your compost pile will transform into a rich, crumbly, dark material that resembles fertile garden soil. This is your finished humus compost. It can take several months to a year to produce finished compost, depending on various factors like temperature, moisture, and materials composted.

Remember, composting is a natural process. With a little care and patience, your compost pile will eventually break down into nutrient-rich humus compost, regardless of whether the conditions are perfect or not. Your role in maintaining your humus compost is simply to provide the best possible conditions to speed up this natural process and ensure a high-quality end product.

Compost vs. Humus

While the terms ‘compost’ and ‘humus’ are frequently used interchangeably in gardening parlance, they represent distinct stages in the organic decomposition process and offer varying benefits to soil health and plant growth.

Compost is a product of the decomposition of organic matter facilitated by microbes, fungi, and other decomposers. This process involves the breakdown of ‘green’ materials (rich in nitrogen, like vegetable scraps and fresh grass clippings) and ‘brown’ materials (rich in carbon, such as dried leaves and paper). Compost is generally characterized by its heterogeneous composition, with identifiable remnants of the original organic material still visible. It provides a burst of nutrients to plants and can improve the fertility and structure of the soil.

Humus, on the other hand, is the end result of the composting process. It represents the stage of decomposition where the organic matter has been so thoroughly broken down that the original materials are unrecognizable. Humus has a homogeneous, stable structure and a dark, rich color. Unlike compost, humus doesn’t immediately provide a significant nutrient boost to plants. Instead, its value lies in its ability to improve soil structure, increase water retention, and encourage the growth and activity of beneficial soil organisms. It also serves as a long-term nutrient reservoir for plants.

Therefore, while compost and humus are both products of the organic decomposition process, they exist at different stages of this process and provide different benefits to the soil and plants. Compost is like a short-term nutrient booster that enhances soil fertility and structure, while humus is a long-term investment in your soil’s health, improving its structure, water-holding capacity, and microbial life. Both play crucial roles in the cycle of organic matter and contribute to the health and productivity of gardens in their unique ways.

Application of Humus Compost in Gardening

Humus compost is a veritable treasure trove of benefits for gardens, serving multiple functions that improve the health and productivity of plants. Its application goes beyond merely ‘feeding’ the plants with nutrients. Instead, it plays a key role in creating an optimal soil environment for plant growth and development. Here’s how you can use humus compost in your garden:

  1. Soil Amendment: Perhaps the most common use of humus compost is as a soil amendment. You can mix it into your garden soil or potting mix to enhance the soil structure, making it looser and more crumbly. This not only improves root penetration but also enhances soil aeration and drainage, creating an ideal environment for roots to grow and absorb nutrients.
  2. Mulching: Humus compost also serves as an excellent mulch. Applying it as a top layer on your soil surface can help conserve soil moisture, suppress weed growth, and regulate soil temperature. Over time, the humus compost will slowly break down and release nutrients into the soil, providing a slow, steady source of nutrition for your plants.
  3. Planting and Transplanting: When planting new plants or transplanting existing ones, adding a handful of humus compost to the planting hole can give the plants a good start. It provides a nutrient boost and helps improve soil structure around the roots, aiding in quicker establishment and healthier growth.
  4. Compost Tea: You can also use humus compost to make compost tea, a nutrient-rich liquid fertilizer. To do this, add humus compost to a bucket of water and let it steep for a few days, stirring occasionally. Strain the mixture, and you have compost tea, which can be applied directly to the soil or used as a foliar spray.
  5. Revitalizing Lawns: Humus compost can help rejuvenate tired or patchy lawns. By spreading a thin layer of compost over your lawn in the spring or fall, you can improve soil health and promote lush, green growth.

By integrating humus compost into your gardening practices, you are not only nurturing your plants but also contributing to the broader health of your garden ecosystem. The beneficial microorganisms in the humus help create a living, breathing soil that plays a crucial role in maintaining the vitality and productivity of your garden.

Humus Compost and Its Environmental Impact

Humus composting plays a significant role in promoting environmental sustainability. It reduces landfill waste by reusing kitchen scraps and garden waste, reducing the need for chemical fertilizers. Moreover, it contributes to carbon sequestration, capturing and storing carbon that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere. It also enhances soil biodiversity, creating a healthier ecosystem.


The journey through the life cycle of organic waste — from kitchen scraps and yard waste to a nutrient-rich, soil-enhancing substance known as humus compost — is an enlightening testament to the power of nature’s circular system. Understanding and harnessing this process not only allows us to nourish our gardens in the most organic and sustainable way but also contributes to reducing waste and mitigating the environmental impact of our daily activities.

Humus compost stands as a beacon of natural soil management practices, turning waste into wealth and bringing life to our gardens and landscapes. Its roles in improving soil structure, enhancing moisture retention, fostering beneficial microbial activity, and acting as a long-term nutrient reservoir are what make humus compost an essential component of successful and sustainable gardening.

Nevertheless, to effectively use humus compost, it’s crucial to dispel the misconceptions that often surround it. Recognizing the difference between humus and regular compost, understanding its slow-release nutrient properties, and acknowledging the need for balanced application are all key to harnessing the full potential of humus compost.

Finally, while making and using humus compost does require effort, patience, and a bit of gardening know-how, the rewards are well worth it. By using humus compost, you’re not only cultivating healthier, more productive plants but also contributing to a healthier, more sustainable planet. In essence, humus compost beautifully captures the spirit of the adage: ‘waste not, want not’.

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